Date: 30th August 2024
Sport England are in the early stages of expanding their place partnership programme with a focus of investment into local communities across our area to ensure those in greatest need are able to be physically active.
North East Lincolnshire Council and Active Humber are keen to seek the views of local community groups and organisations about what is needed in their local area, to get people more engaged in physical activity. The Council and Active Humber are collectively preparing a solicited funding bid to Sport England and wish to collaborate with Local Organisations to give the bid the best chance in being successful.
NELC and Active Humber hope you can find the time to attend one of the events below on the 30th August and provide your valuable thoughts on what is needed in your area. On the day the bid itself will be explained in more detail and what we want to hear from you to help us prepare this bid.
YMCA Humber Tickets :
Centre 4 Tickets: