Preliminary Market Consultation – Short Breaks/Respite Services for Children and Young People with Special Education Needs and Disabilities

Written and sent on behalf of North East Lincolnshire Council.

Deadline: 26 September at 12pm

The Local Authority is exploring with providers, ideas and opportunities to develop short breaks in our borough that can meet the needs of children and young people with specialist or complex needs.

The information gathered will inform future commissioning decision making.  

The Local Authority wish to increase group activities, after school clubs, school holidays and weekend activities for daytime, evening, overnight short breaks for NEL children and young people with SEND.

Providers will need to register on YORtender, the Authority’s procurement platform if they aren’t already, however, registration is quick and free.

Submit your response for shorts break offer

The closing date for the PMC responses is Tuesday 26 September at 12pm. There will be some questions and an opportunity to offer feedback on the ideas shared and opportunities explored.

Learn more: NELC SEND Local Offer | Providers invited to learn more about short breaks and respite care (