Power to Change: Community Business Crowdmatch

Up to £10,000 of extra funding to back community businesses such as community owned shops, hubs, pubs, sports facilities, local landmarks and more.

Community Business Crowdmatch is looking to support new or existing community businesses that are providing services or activities that will benefit their local community.

Whether it’s launching new ideas to help your neighbourhood, help meet increased demand, save a community space or help bridge a funding gap, Community Business Crowdmatch will match fund what you raise from the crowd.

Power to Change will match fund up to 50% of your target, to a maximum of £10,000, as long as you can raise the rest through crowdfunding.

To apply for this fund take the first step and start crowdfunding. If you’ve already started, continue setting up your project.

For further information please visit the Crowdfunder website here.