People’s Health Trust – Advice for Health Funding

Applications Deadline: 19 June (3pm)

The Trust have two funding programmes:

1. Health Justice Fund

The Health Justice Fund supports communities facing significant health inequalities by using their experiences to improve health outcomes. It prioritises thematic areas identified by those most affected by these issues and supported by evidence. Insights gained will influence decision makers and drive actions toward achieving health justice for communities across Great Britain.

Advice for Health, a priority within the Health Justice Fund, provides funding for organisations assisting individuals facing financial, social, and discriminatory challenges, who feel overwhelmed and unable to access advice services. The funding aims to improve existing advice services to better serve marginalised groups.

Advice for Health applications will close on Wednesday 19 June at 3pm. Read the application guidance to find out more.

2. Active Communities

Active Communities is a funding initiative supporting community groups, nonprofits organisations, and local people wanting to improve their areas. It backs small, locally-driven projects aimed at fostering social connections and empowering communities. The program encourages participants to develop their own ideas to address local issues and enhance collective control.

It funds two project types:

  • Neighbourhood-based projects; resident-led initiatives in disadvantaged neighborhoods
  • Communities of Interest; projects connecting groups facing health inequalities due to discrimination.

Find out more via their website:

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