Out to Lunch campaign!


Kid’s meals are often high in ultra-processed food, high in sugar and salt, and lacking in fresh fruit and veg. That’s why the Soil Association launched their ongoing campaign, Out to Lunch, to raise the bar for kid’s meals. 

Their previous campaigns have resulted in improved kids’ menu options at chain restaurants – more fruit and veg, more sustainable options with ingredient sourcing on the menu, and a reduction in oversized puddings and sugary drinks. Now, they need YOUR help for their 2024 campaign.

They’re looking for parents or caregivers of under 12s to help by becoming a secret diner. You’ll be scoring the children’s food options at a high street chain restaurants – and your kids will eat for free

Sign up to become a secret diner, click the link below:

Become an Out to Lunch secret diner! (soilassociation.org)