New NHS Volunteering find and apply service

Recruiters of volunteers can now advertise roles in one central place on the new NHS Volunteering website.

The service is free to use for NHS and supporting organisations and has been developed by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) on behalf of NHS England.

Recruiters can advertise volunteer opportunities and people can apply using the NHS Volunteering website. Organisations can also choose to receive application forms through the service, or they can link it to their existing volunteer recruitment advert process.

NHSBSA is inviting volunteer recruiters from NHS organisations and eligible Voluntary, Charity, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations to join the service. If you’re a VCSE that recruits volunteers to support NHS-contracted and commissioned healthcare services in England, you will be able to use the service. 

If you’d like to find out more, they’ll invite you to one of their monthly online introduction sessions where they’ll give you an overview of the service, explain the criteria and process for using it and offer you the opportunity to join.

For an invitation to one of these sessions, please email (referring to NB Forum in the subject line of your email) and they’ll get back to you with the next available dates.