Closing date: 22 March 2024
The public archive service and public libraries located in Grimsby, Cleethorpes, Immingham and Waltham are managed by Lincs Inspire Limited, a local charity, and on behalf of North East Lincolnshire Council. These are important services, valued by our local communities and providing a wealth of information and useful resources.
If you want to know more about these services, please visit
All services are having to manage the impact from rising costs, meaning that North East Lincolnshire Council must invest carefully in all its public services to get the best value for money for our residents. That is why the Council needs to ensure that the services provided are fit for purpose and efficient for many years to come.
Therefore, North East Lincolnshire Council in this consultation are asking you about your views, thoughts and experiences to help understand what the future use of these services might look like, and what opportunities should be considered that would help you and your family to enjoy these services more.
Have your say on the Libraries and Archive Review.
If you are struggling to access this survey online the Council have multiple pop-ups you can attend where they can support you completing the survey:
- Freeman Street Market, Freeman Street – Friday 26 January – 10am to 2pm
- Grimsby Health and Wellbeing Centre, Cromwell Road – Monday 29 January – 8:30 to 11:30am
- Grimsby Leisure Centre (reception), Cromwell Road – Monday 12 February – 4 to 7pm
- Cleethorpes Leisure Centre (Foyer), Kingsway – Tuesday 20 February – 4 to 7pm
They are also running multiple focus groups at local settings throughout February and March to further understand current usage and thoughts, feelings and opinions on the development of the services into the future. If you would like to attend one of these, please register your interest at