Humber & North Yorkshire Eating Disorders Stakeholder Event


Date: October 15th 2024 / York,

The hosts are delighted to invite you to this eating disorder stakeholder event for the Humber & North Yorkshire area.

The main purpose of this event is to support building relationships between people, places and services that work within both children & young people’s and adult eating disorder services across the Humber and North Yorkshire footprint.

During the event the focus will be on understanding the challenges and barriers in the whole eating disorder pathway (including early intervention and prevention) that impact on people getting the care they need in a timely manner and that prevents further deterioration and promotes recovery.

The aims of the event will be:

  1. Understanding the current eating disorder pathways in Humber & North Yorkshire for Children & Young People and adults.
  2. To explore what we can do differently within current resources to improve the pathway.
  3. Getting to know each other (people, places, services)including VCS services representation.
  4. Increasing flexibility around transitions from under 18’s to adult eating disorder services.
  5. Hearing lived experience of how people currently access eating disorder services or the barriers that prevent them from doing so.
  6. Agree a draft vision for the eating disorder pathways to improve access, outcomes and experience.

For more information and an invite please email Helen Williams: