Our Future: Grimsby Together

Closes: 9th June 2024

Join the Conversation!

This is a conversation for people from Grimsby and NE Lincs Using an interactive tool via the link below.  The question is ….. If you think of the best possible Grimsby in 2034 what specific things will have happened in the town to make it so great?

Our Future would like your feedback.  They want your ideas and input too. You can take part in two ways:

  1. Vote on the statements shared by others with one of three options – Agree, Disagree, Pass/Unsure
  2. Add your own statements, which can either be fresh ideas or a statement that builds on something said by someone else. Do add your own statements so that you can have your say!

To join the conversation right now, visit the Our Future website here.

Your feedback and involvement are important

This work Our Future is doing together will feed into the Grimsby Plan being developed by North East Lincolnshire Council to secure funding as part of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ (DLUHC) Long-Term Plan for Towns. This is a central government spending commitment of £20m. (More information can be found on the link above).

Update on responses:

Over 927 people have engaged with the Polis platform since it launched, casting 46,826 votes on statements. More than 700 statements have been entered into the platform (370 accepted).

Our Future would like to thank you all for making this happen.  There are many more out there who would want to engage, so do keep sharing the message if you can – it closes on 9th June:

Grimsby Together events this week

Who is Our Future? Read more about them here – https://www.our-future.io/ or contact Our Future via hello@our-future.io