SCP Neglect Training Sessions: Available for Bookings!

North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (SCP) Multi Agency Neglect Training. They are pleased to advise more dates are available to book onto for the SCP Neglect Training which is available to all partner agencies both operational practitioners and managers are required and encouraged to attend.

Each session will be multi-agency and places will be allocated across agencies.

Bookings for these sessions are via Emma Wragg, Learning and Development Advisor, Safeguarding.

To view new dates, please go to the SaferNEL website:  

SaferNEL | Children’s Workforce Development – SaferNEL

Please email   with your preferred date. A booking confirmation email and link to the event (where a virtual training session will be held) will be sent to you. If no places are available, another date will be offered to you.

Once the events have taken place, they will upload attendance data to Academy-NEL and the Children and Families Learning Zone, so your learning will be recorded and you will be able to access a certificate. For all organisations except NELC and maintained schools, please ensure you are registered on the Children and Families Learning Zone to enable your training to be recorded.

Please see attached guide which shows the process of how to book onto the training.