Climb4: Build A Brighter Future Project – STEPP up / STARR

Climb 4 will be starting delivery of their STEPP up and STARR personal development and employability programme very soon.  They are looking for candidates to join these popular programmes. 

These programmes are part of the Build a Brighter Future Project, where Climb 4 have received £50,859.00 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Benefits include:

  • Build resilience
  • Reduce Social Isolation
  • Improve Presentation and communication skills
  • Achieve certificates of recognition for units covered by the AQA Unit Award Scheme
  • Improve transferable skills
  • Improve motivation around the process of job searching
  • Access to volunteering to improve work experience in chosen career
  • Possible access to join sessional work pathway after completion
  • Inclusive provision increasing access for those with SEND/SEMH needs

STEPP UP – Monday 10.00-2.00pm


  • 19+
  • Not in employment

This is a 12-week personal development and employability programme, developing skills in self-awareness, teamwork, effective communication, and positive relationships, (including CV creation, application support, action planning etc).

The programme covers a range of themed creative activities to assist in building these transferable skills to prepare the participants for the world of work.  The programme includes access to 1-1 employability support and also opportunities to volunteer within their organisation and others.  The delivery is run by a qualified creative teacher and supported by a SEND support worker to ensure a quality provision is delivered while enabling them to provide an inclusive service. 

Added Benefit(s):

  • Access to financial support to cover childcare costs- (financial support)

STARR – Thursday 10-2pm


  • 16-18
  • Not in Education or Training (NEET)

This is an 8-week personal development programme ideally for those learners who are interested in looking for alternative routes to education and access to developing employability skills. 

Climb4’sinclusive provision helps to reduce barriers to those with SEND and SEMH needs, with access to an experienced SEND support worker.  Their creative practitioner will provide engaging activities for young people to take part in, while embedding important life skills such as literacy, numeracy and IT.  The programme covers a range of units to develop skills in Self Awareness, Teamwork, Achievement, Relationships and Resilience.  They believe their programme offers a worthwhile alternative to formal education/ training for those learners who struggle with a more structure environment. 

Added Benefit(s):

  • Improve appropriate employment related behaviour
  • Improve Life skills – Literacy, Numeracy and IT

If you would like more information, such as the start dates and how to refer, please contact:

Office No: 01472 236688 Ext:15331
Office Mobile: 07548825026