Deadline 20th October 2022
Funding is intended to support innovative work which helps young people thrive as part of vibrant, connected and sustainable communities.
Grants of £1,000 to £5,000 are available.
Funded activities should:
- Empower young people.
- Support young carers.
- Support youth mental wellbeing.
- Deliver youth social action initiatives.
- Deliver intergenerational connections.
- Improve access to opportunities, career planning, training and skills.
- Develop resilience and support young people through times of transition.
Grants could cover:
- In-person and remote delivery costs.
- Activity materials.
- Resources/equipment to deliver in-person or remote activities.
- Project delivery staff time.
- Venue hire.
- Volunteer expenses.
- Publicity and marketing materials.
- Overheads at a standard rate of up to 10% of the total project value,
- Purchase of PPE or cleaning equipment to enable COVID safe delivery.