Centre4: PCN Social Prescribing Link Worker

Deadline: 05 November 2023

Salary: £24,628.50
Hours: 37.5 hrs

Social Prescribing Link Workers connect people with local community activities and services that can help improve their health and wellbeing, empowering people by focusing on what matters most, to them.

The role will be responsible for identifying and agreeing actions with participants to achieve their desired outcomes, and support them through delivery of the actions, with assessments and redirection where appropriate.

Key tasks and responsibilities includes:

  • Working as part of a team to deliver an effective Social Prescribing Service to participants and GPs across the PCN within North East Lincolnshire.
  • Working closely with GP practices, health care practitioners and partners to bridge the gap between clinical services and Social Prescribing.
  • Meet with participants and carry out home/community visits as required.
  • Undertake person-centred assessments to co-design health and well-being action plans with individual participants and identify support needs to ensure maximum engagement and improved health and well-being.

Click here to see a full copy of the Job Description, and apply.