As part of the Start for Life and Family Hubs Programme they are offering a short training session to raise awareness and increase knowledge about breastfeeding, FREE of charge. There is 10 places per date, The training will be delivered via Zoom.
Our First Milk Matters course lasts for just 2.5 hours and aims to:
increase knowledge and awareness about breastfeeding
empower families to make informed choices about feeding their baby
share evidence about why breastfeeding is important
help people think about what they can do to support breastfeeding in their own community.
Outcomes from the training
Increased understanding of why breastfeeding is important
An understanding of how breastmilk is made and what can interfere with this
Knowledge of how breastmilk differs from formula
Increased knowledge of the cultural issues/barriers relating to breastfeeding
An understanding of how individuals can support breastfeeding
Increased awareness of where to signpost families for breastfeeding support
The dates are as follows:
Thursday 23 January 2025
9.30 am – 12.00 Noon
Online only via Zoom
Wednesday 5 February 2025
11.30 am – 2.00 pm
Online only via Zoom
Friday 21 February 2025
10.00 am – 12.30 pm
Online only via Zoom
How to Book
Booking is via Academy-NEL (North East Lincolnshire Council staff only).
To book onto the course, please select the ‘Course Library’ icon, then click on the ‘Workshops’ button, then ‘Children and Families’, then ‘Start for Life’ and you will see the dates listed.
Once you have booked your place, you will receive a confirmation email Please keep this handy as it contains the Zoom link to access the training on the day.
If you have any queries regarding the above training offer please contact Lorren Hewson via;
The Disability Services Advocacy aim to support the upskilling of the Disability Benefits, these being Personal Independence Payments (PIP), Access to Work and the Health Adjustment Passport and Disability Living Allowance for Children.
It is recognised that the Veteran community and serving personal and their families have additional support needs and often the PIP and DLAc journey can be challenging to navigate. The Service have therefore decided to facilitate two national Microsoft Team day events in March 2025 the first being on the 5thand the other on the 26th
For any further information around these events or if you need any additional support – please contact their team inbox – DWP Disability Services Advocacy Team
Child Sexual Abuse is a priority for the SCP. It is essential that practitioners have an understanding of the indicators of intra-familial sexual abuse and how to respond.
Target Audience: Available to all those working with children, young people and families
Wednesday 29 January 2025
9.30 am – 11.00 am
Webinar on Microsoft Teams
Tuesday 4 February 2025 NEW DATE
2.00 pm – 3.30 pm
Tuesday 18 February 2025
9.30 am – 11.00 am
Risk Analysis Framework Workshop
The Risk Analysis Framework provides a consistent model for the assessment, analysis and management of risk. Any assessment and / or intervention undertaken across the partnership by North East Lincolnshire Children’s Services and partner agencies due to concern about a child’s welfare, or that a child is suffering significant harm, or is likely to do should be underpinned by the North East Lincolnshire RAF. Link to Risk Analysis Framework
This training is recommended for anyone working with children, young people and families and who may regularly attend a Child Protection Conference. The Risk Analysis Framework has replaced the Signs of Safety Framework, so it’s important that that practitioners across all agencies have an understanding of the new framework and how to apply this in practice. Please book your places as soon as possible!
Learning Outcomes: Understand NELC model for assessment, analysis and management of risk; Identify when Risk Analysis Framework should be applied to practice; Identify how to determine what risk and protective factors exist; Recognise which risk factors are the most significant for the child/ family, and likely outcomes; Identify where change is needed and a multi-agency approach.
Wednesday 26 February 2025 NEW DATE
9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Innovation Centre, Europarc, Grimsby, DN37 9TT
Wednesday 19 March 2025 NEW DATE
9.30 am – 12.30 pm
How to Book
North East Lincolnshire Council staff only: Booking is via Academy-NEL
All Other Organisations:
Booking is via the Children and Families Learning Zone here:
If you have not registered on the system before, you will need to enter access code CFLZ22
Just click on the Course Library icon, then click on the ‘Workshops’ button, then ‘Children and Families’, then Risk Analysis Framework Workshops‘ and you will see the dates listed.
NFP Workshops run affordable online training courses for charities, schools, healthcare and public sector organisations.
Topics include:
Bid Writing
Introduction to Fundraising
Trust Fundraising
Major Donor Fundraising
Legacy Fundraising
Corporate Fundraising
Recruiting and Managing Volunteers
Managing Staff
Charity Finance
Project Management
Charity Trustee Duties
Charity Trustee Recruitment
Plus more . . .
Upcoming Workshops
03 Feb -Introduction to Fundraising 04 Feb – Project Management 05 Feb – Coaching Skills 17 Feb – Corporate Fundraising 18 Feb – Charity Finances 19 Feb – Community Fundraising
For further information and how to book, please visit their webpage.
Forwarded by Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (HCP):
Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (HCP) are delighted to tell you about three new system leadership development programmes due to launch in January 2025.
These programmes are specifically tailored to develop system leaders – so if you’re interested in working across the system, this is the programme for you.
To thrive as a system, there is an ongoing need to share talent by creating a system-wide, inclusive and co-ordinated talent management approach which is what they are aiming to provide.
These programmes are intended to encourage colleagues from across Humber and North Yorkshire to discover their own strengths and fulfil their ambitions of becoming future system leaders, with a key focus on addressing the lack of diversity they see from middle to senior management.
Each programme is designed to prepare participants for the next step of their career journey, equipping them with the skills to truly transform health and care across our system.
There are three programmes to share:
Programme 1: Leading from the middle
12-month programme
Aimed at those in a middle management role, who have had previous experience of management (3+ years) or have previously undertaken a management development programme
Opportunity to enhance self-development through psychometric tools, career coaching and working with a senior sponsor
Core learning – both face-to-face and online workshops (leading change and transformation, system theory, successful systems leadership, from analogue to digital, political astuteness, population health, effective decision making etc)
6-week placement
Closes with a celebration event
Programme 2: Senior System Leaders
12-month programme
Aimed at those ready to step into an executive role (existing senior leaders)
Access to networking opportunities, peer-to-peer support and networking sessions
Guest speaker sessions
Career management support
Programme 3: Advancing international talent
Specifically designed for internationally educated colleagues – people who have trained and worked in healthcare in another country and have since moved to Humber and North Yorkshire
Career management support addressing the barriers people may face
Focus on securing future roles and value of diverse lived experience to creating a health and care system that works for all
All three programme are available to colleagues across the system in all health and care organisations in Humber and North Yorkshire. HCP will strongly encourage and champion applications from minoritised colleagues. Find out more and express an interest by completing the expression of interest formor contact them if you’d like them to come and share more information with your team/ organisation/ department and please feel free to share this information widely.
Get involved and how you can support
Co-design (advancing international talent) To be involved in the co-design for the advancing international talent programme, please contact Ola Fagbohun (she/her) by emailing
Offer a six-week placement Could you offer a six-week placement in your department or team to a middle leader? Or could someone in your organisation? If so, please contact Emma Marshall (she/her) by emailing
Active Partnerships SWO Network have teamed up with Ygam to hold free workshops for Sports Staff and Volunteers, Health and Social Care staff and Parent and Carers.
The course will help people to:-
• Understand why children and young people might game/gamble
• Understand what is meant by gaming/gambling-related harm.
•Recognise the signs of gaming/gambling-related harm.
• Know where to find further support.
• Have increased confidence when talking to children and young people about gaming and gambling.
On completion you will receive a City & Guilds Certificate and Digital Credential, and have access to over 1000 resources, including 1:1 and small group work activities which you can download and use in your setting.
Attached are flyers for these sessions with QR codes for the booking links. Be encouraged to take up this opportunity to join these training sessions.
The Equality Practice have three new programmes starting in January 2025.
The Me-Learning Programme has been running for 8 years. It is a transformational 10/12-week programme, where individuals learn all about themselves, their skills and strengths and practice activities that encourage confidence, self-belief and resilience. Before leaving, they are already taking their next steps to change their lives.
Join this session to learn about policy, procedure and expectations in relation to children and young people’s looked after review. This will Include the role and responsibilities of the Independent Reviewing Officer, Social Worker and those who attend the reviews.
Target Audience: Available to all those working with children, young people and families
If you have not registered on the system before, you will need to enter access code CFLZ22
Just click on the Course Library icon, then click on the ‘Workshops’ button, then ‘Children and Families’, then ‘Child Sexual Abuse’ and you will see all the dates.
Please look out for the booking confirmation email from, as this contains the Teams link to access the training on the day.
As part of North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership priorities and key areas of focus, essential partnership training is being delivered in respect of ,
Risk Analysis Framework
Child Sexual Abuse
Please can agency leads ensure that practitioners attend the training sessions in supporting their understanding of the local risk assessment model and in recognising and responding to Neglect and Child Sexual Abuse, both of which are priorities for the partnership. There are also details in respect of an introduction to mental health training.
1. Risk Analysis Framework Workshop
The risk Analysis Framework provides a consistent model for the assessment, analysis and management of risk. Any assessment and / or intervention undertaken across the partnership by North East Lincolnshire Children’s Services and partner agencies due to concern about a child’s welfare, or that a child is suffering significant harm, or is likely to do should be underpinned by the North East Lincolnshire RAF. Link to Risk Analysis Framework
This training is recommended for anyone working with children, young people and families and who may regularly attend a Child Protection Conference. The Risk Analysis Framework has replaced the Signs of Safety Framework, so it’s important that that practitioners across all agencies have an understanding of the new framework and how to apply this in practice. Please book your places as soon as possible!
Learning Outcomes: Understand NELC model for assessment, analysis and management of risk; Identify when Risk Analysis Framework should be applied to practice; Identify how to determine what risk and protective factors exist; Recognise which risk factors are the most significant for the child/ family, and likely outcomes; Identify where change is needed and a multi-agency approach.
Wednesday 22 January 2025
9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Innovation Centre, Europarc, Grimsby, DN37 9TT
Wednesday 26 February 2025
9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Innovation Centre, Europarc, Grimsby, DN37 9TT
Wednesday 19 March 2025
9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Innovation Centre, Europarc, Grimsby, DN37 9TT
2. Child Sexual Abuse Sessions
Child Sexual Abuse is a priority for the SCP, it is essential that practitioners have an understanding of the indicators of intra familial sexual abuse and how to respond.
Target Audience: Available to all those working with children, young people and families
Wednesday 29 January 2025
9.30 am – 11.00 am
Webinar on Microsoft Teams
Tuesday 18 February 2025
9.30 am – 11.00 am
Webinar on Microsoft Teams
3. SCP Neglect Training
New dates are now available for this training, facilitated by Jane Wiffin. This is an SCP priority area, please book your places as soon as possible.
The course will cover: indicators of neglect; factors and vulnerabilities contributing to the neglect of children; the impact on the child; the importance of building trusted relationships with the family; continuity and change; harm and risk that will happen over time if nothing changes.
Target Audience: Anyone working in a frontline role with children, young people and families
Monday 13 January 2025
9.30 am – 12.30 pm 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Webinar on Microsoft Teams only
Monday 20 January 2025
9.30 am – 12.30 pm 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Grimsby Town Hall Carers Support Centre, Town Hall Square, Grimsby
Tuesday 21 January 2025
9.30 am – 12.30 pm 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Grimsby Town Hall
4. Introduction to Infant Mental Health
This 1 hour training aims to support any professional working with expectant parents or parents of infants up until 2 years old. The training is a whistlestop tour of the expanding area of research of infant mental health and how the newly formed ‘Growing Well together’ team support infant mental health and parent infant relationships.
Training aims: To build a solid foundation of knowledge around infant mental health; Why infant mental health is important; What can impact infant mental health; How professionals can measure infant mental health; How positive IMH can be supported; How the growing well together team support infant health.
This training will be facilitated by Dr Sophie Lowe, Growing Well Together Team, Young Minds Matter.
Tuesday 14 January 2025
12 Noon – 1.00 pm
Webinar on Teams only
Thursday 16 January 2025
12 Noon – 1.00 pm
Webinar on Teams only
Tuesday 11 February 2025
12 Noon – 1.00 pm
Webinar on Teams only
Wednesday 12 February 2025
12 Noon – 1.00 pm
Webinar on Teams only
Wednesday 12 March 2025
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm
Webinar on Teams only
Friday 14 March 2025
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm
Webinar on Teams only
How to Book
North East Lincolnshire Council staff: Booking is via Academy-NEL
If you have not registered on the system before, you will need to enter access code CFLZ22
Just click on the Course Library icon, then click on the ‘Workshops’ button, then ‘Children and Families’, then Risk Analysis Framework Workshops‘ and you will see the dates listed.
Note: For Webinar on Microsoft Teams only, please look out for the booking confirmation email from, as this contains the Teams link to access the training on the day.