Arts Council Project Grants

Grants of  between £1,000 – £100,000 are available. This grants programme is intended to help the Arts Council deliver its new strategy, ‘Let’s Create’. It also provides a means to support a broad range of not-for-profit projects that create and sustain quality work and help people across England to engage with arts and culture.

The programme supports development by allowing artists, cultural practitioners and organisations to work in new ways and to get their work out to new audiences.

The funding is for projects that are focused on one or more of the following disciplines:

  • Music.
  • Theatre.
  • Dance.
  • Visual arts.
  • Literature.
  • Combined arts – including festivals and carnivals.
  • Museum practice (accredited or unaccredited).
  • Libraries (for activities that deliver against at least one of the Universal Library Offers including: Creativity and Culture; Reading; Information and Digital; Health and Wellbeing).

For full information, and to apply go to the Arts Council