Deadline 30th September 2021
The Association of Independant Museums (AIM)/Pilgrim Trust Conservation Grant Scheme is intended to help small museums with the conservation of objects in their collections.
The maximum grant awarded will be £10,000. It is expected that the average grant awarded will be around £5,000.
Grants of less than £1,500 will be paid in full on award; others will be paid 50% on award and 50% on completion and receipt of the conservator’s report.
For the purposes of the scheme:
- Conservation is defined as: actions to preserve or restore an object
- Preservation: to maintain an object in its present state retarding deterioration
- Restoration: to return an object to an earlier state by removing accretions without introducing any new material.
Project costs may include the conservator’s labour and materials, transport (including specialised packing) and reassembly.