AIM – Collections Care Scheme

Deadline 31th March 2022

The funding aim is to help small museums develop a more sustainable approach to the conservation and management of collections through improvements to collections care within their museum. The grants may enable museums to receive tailored, specialist advice about care of collections, or equipment to implement that advice.

The maximum grant awarded will be £10,000. It is expected that the average grant awarded will be around £5,000. Grants of less than £1,500 will be paid in full on award; others will be paid 50% on award and 50% on completion and receipt of the conservator’s report

Project costs may include the conservator’s time and travel and/or purchase and installation of equipment and related supplies. Digitisation is only eligible where it is to fund the digitisation of items that have been conserved. If you are VAT Registered, recoverable VAT should be deducted from any invoices before claiming.

For further information, please visit AIM website here.