Deadline 30th April 2024
The foundation makes grants to projects which support young people (16 years and under) who are challenged by abuse or addiction, who are young carers, or who are homeless/without a safe place to call home.
Funding can be up to £2,500.
Applications will be considered from organisations who require funding in the areas of:
- Abuse
- Addiction
- Child carers
- Homelessness
Funding is intended to cover the costs of projects which:
- Enable young people to have the best start in life and aim high.
- Have a direct impact and respond to a need in an immediate manner.
- Are hosted in geographical areas of deprivation and socioeconomic disadvantage.
- Respond to one or more of the funding priorities of the7stars foundation.
- Address a lack of provision (due to a lack of funding from alternative sources).
- Provide immediate support, not just in the short-term but with long-term benefits too.