Citizens Advice North East Lincolnshire is able to offer free information and advice training to any VCSE organisation.
The following courses run for 6 weeks with starting dates available for booking from:
- Advice: Monday 24th February 2025 (1 day per week for 6 weeks) 9am-4pm with 1 hour for lunch (not provided) – Max 14 people
- Advice: Wednesday 5th March 2025 (1 day per week for 6 weeks) 9am-4pm with 1 hour lunch (not provided ) – Max 14 people
Further dates and training on quality monitoring and the supervision of advice delivery is to follow.
Course information
The course covers:
Basic information and advice: delivered over 3 modules will take someone with little or no knowledge and provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide information to the public and effective signposting and referral.
Advice: practical advice training on Benefits and Debt are designed to build skills and knowledge in the most commonly seen advice areas.
Courses run 1 day per week on the same day for 6 weeks 9am-4pm with 1 hour for lunch (not provided) – max 14 people per day.
Courses are provided at their office (1st floor training room, not disability accessible). They will look to potentially deliver more sessions and/or disability accessible sessions as needed, please let them know if you have additional needs and they will work to accommodate them.
To register please contact